Oswald J. Hitz [1] married Sarah J. Harper in December of 1883. While researching Sarah Harper an interesting incident was discovered that involved her father, Manadier D. Harper. The event is known as the Great Hanging of 1862 at Gainesville, Texas. Rising tensions in Cooke county, Texas were the result of increased migration to the area following an expansion of the Butterfield Overland Mail route, a semi-weekly mail and passenger stage service that traveled from St. Louis, through northern Texas, terminating in San Francisco. The new migrants to the area did not own slaves which caused the numbers of slave owners to dwindle. By 1862 only 10% of the population of Cooke county owned slaves. Cooke and surrounding counties voted against secession which focused the fears of the slave holders in the county on the residents of the county that did not own slaves. A rumor circulated that 1,700 men had joined a Union League and were going to at...
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