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Thomas Edison invented a light bulb that was reliable and long-lasting in 1879.  In 1882, with the help of the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York, Thomas Edison installed electric lights in parts of Manhattan.  Most homes continued to use gas and candle light for many years after this. By 1925 about 50% of all American homes had installed electric lights.  

While indexing the 1919 Janesville Daily Gazette I find interesting articles.  Sometimes they pertain to family but not always.  This article does not pertain to family but it certainly illustrates how dangerous electricity was in the early days of its use.  

The article reads: The city council has awarded damages to the extent of $5,000 to Edward Draeger for the death of his wife, due to electric shocks when she attempted to turn on one of the city's incandescent lights a few weeks ago. 

After a search, I was not able to locate any more information about this accident.  I think the city got off pretty easy.


Thomas Edison National Historic Park, New Jersey,,the%20U.S.%20have%20electric%20power; Accessed 28 AUG 2020.

City Council Awards Damages, Janesville Daily Gazette, 23 AUG 1919,; Accessed 24 AUG 2020.  


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